Career Panels
Career Panels are an excellent forum to bring students together with professionals representing an array of professions and industries. These opportunities allow students to learn more about different careers and learn from leaders and mentors who have gone before them. Career Panel participants enjoy the ability to share their stories with students and leave a lasting imprint.
Young Alumni Career Panels
We plan to host 2-3 Alumni Career Panels for the entire Class of 2025. Confirmed dates/times are:
- Friday, Nov. 22 from 10:10-11:25
- Friday, Jan. 24 from 10:10-11:25
- April Date TBD
Career Specific Panels
These smaller groups sessions are a good opportunity for students who are interested in specific careers or professions.
We will schedule these sessions to happen during the school day (preferably during lunch periods).
We are currently seeking Volunteers! If you are interested in participating or learning more, please reach out to Jennifer Royal, Assistant Director of Family & Student Engagement.