The Prep Players theatre group performed "The Imaginary Invalid" at the Quick Center on Nov. 21, 22 and 23.
Enjoy a full recording of the production below.
Photos from the show below.

This play is a modern update of a classic comedy by Moliere. It follows Argan, a man whose over the top mental neuroses grossly outweigh his actual physical maladies. Offered a series of absurd cures from various crack pots, his medical debts mount which prompts him to concoct a scheme to marry his daughter off to a family of physicians. High comedy ensues–replete with thwarted love, false identities, dexterous wordplay, musical numbers, and a healthy dose of derision towards the medical profession.
Cast List
Argan, a hypochondriac……………….………........Peter Moreno
Toinette, a servant……………………………...........Clara Connolly
Guy, a musician………………………….………………..Erick Pacheco
Angelique, a daughter, Argan’s youngest……..Grace Stern
Louison, a daughter, Argan’s eldest……………..Catherine Kelly
Beline, a wife, Argan’s second………………………Aster Donovan
Cleante, a florist and suiter to Angelique…..…Jonah Farber
Monsieur DeBonnefoi, a lawyer……………………Kiki Hendrickson
Monsieur Diafoirus, father of Thomas…………..Max Cantoral
Thomas Diafourus, a son and suitor……………...James McGuire
Beralde, a brother of Argan………………………....Logan Thidemann
Fleurant, an apothecary……………………………....Matt Pan
Dr. Purgon, a doctor…………………….……………….Joshua Salazar
Sandrine, a wife, Argan’s first……………………….Riley Anderson
Minions, a posse……........................................Peter Altieri/Riley Anderson/Matt Pan
Nicolas Flores ‘27.....………………………...…Stage Manager
Nicolas Flores ‘27......…………….…..………..Soundboard Operator
Pierce Gremse ‘26.....……………….……….…Lightboard Operator
Peter Moreno ‘25…......…………………….….Poster and Program Artwork
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