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Photos & Videos from Prep Graduation 2022 available online

Members of the Fairfield Prep Class of 2022 celebrated their graduation at Prep's 80th Commencement Exercises on Sunday, June 5, 2022. 

The ceremony was held at 9 a.m. on the south side of Arrupe Hall where 172 graduates received their diplomas in front of family and friends. Hundreds of viewers also joined in by watching ceremony via livestream. 

The commencement speaker was Monsignor Gregory Ramkissoon, Founder and Director of the Mustard Seed Communities, which cares for over 1500 abandoned, handicapped children and children living with HIV/AIDS in Jamaica, Haiti, The Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Zimbabwe, Aksel Sather '22 delivered a powerful farewell address about how the senior class came together to overcome many changes, challenges, and the tragic loss of a Prep brother, Jimmy McGrath '23, over their four years.

View some Graduation highlights here.

This year's graduates will matriculate to a number of prestigious colleges and universities, among them Harvard University, Yale University, University of Pennsylvania,  Georgetown University, University of Notre Dame, Boston College, Villanova University, Duke University, University of St. Andrews, Trinity College Dublin and Fordham University. (View a highlight reel of some of the students sharing their college commitments).

Graduation Photos

Baccalaureate Mass Photos

Graduation Videos


Graduation Highlights

Here are some cinematic highlights from the graduation, courtesy of videographer Steven Yingling.

Senior Prom

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