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Elliott Gualtiere named Dean of Mission & Ministry at Fairfield Prep
The following post is a letter sent by President Christian J. Cashman to the Fairfield Prep Community.
Dear Prep Community,
Following a thorough search, which evaluated a top slate of candidates from Catholic and Jesuit schools across the nation, Fairfield College Preparatory School has named Mr. Elliott J. Gualtiere as the next Dean of Mission and Ministry effective July 1, 2022. Mr. Gualtiere is a veteran of Jesuit Education and a highly experienced Ignatian campus minister and educator with a long tenure at Fairfield Prep.
For the last seventeen years, Mr. Gualtiere served as the Director of Campus Ministry at Fairfield Prep. Prior to his arrival at Prep, he served in ministry and teaching positions in the Archdiocese of New York, including Preston Catholic High School for girls in the Bronx, where he taught theology and served as Campus Minister.
In his distinguished career at Fairfield Prep, Mr. Gualtiere became the first lay Director of Campus Ministry. He expanded student retreat programs to include a full range of retreat programs from ninth to twelfth grade, including Freshman and Sophomore Retreats, Grounded in Gratitude, the Ignatian Movie Retreat, Notre Dame Vision and the annual Christian Leadership Retreat. He has led over a thousand young men in Prep’s signature Kairos Retreat.
Mr. Gualtiere has moderated service immersion trips to Jamaica, Ecuador and the Ignatian Family Teach-In. He has also worked extensively in adult faith formation for Ignatian educators and parents at Prep. Mr. Gualtiere additionally has been a respected presenter, committee member and collaborator within the Jesuit Schools Network. Mr. Gualtiere in St. Joseph Chapel at Prep.
Fairfield Prep President Christian Cashman praised Mr. Gualtiere’s commitment and abilities:
“Elliott Gualtiere is a deeply faithful and committed lay minister in Jesuit education. Elliott’s strong knowledge of the Fairfield Prep Community over his tenure will allow him to lead and serve from a place of bonded relationships with students, adult constituents, our Prep alumni and University collaborators alike. His extensive fluency in Jesuit and Ignatian spirituality will allow him to deepen our mission outreach, especially to adult constituents who are so critical in forming and raising our young men and in carrying out our Jesuit Catholic mission.”
In his new role, Mr. Gualtiere will work closely with Fairfield Prep’s president and principal to enhance our Campus Ministry and Adult Formation programs with an eye to strategic growth in Jesuit mission, retreats, service and spiritual formation. Building on strong foundations of Jesuit identity at Prep, he will help to nurture a spirit of Ignatian innovation and growth for the next chapter in Fairfield Prep’s Jesuit, Catholic mission programs.
The Dean of Mission and Ministry was the first endowed chair established at Fairfield Prep through a generous gift from the estate of John “Sean” O’Rourke ‘59. This gift ensures that there will always be a dedicated leadership focus on the Jesuit mission and identity of Fairfield Prep.
Mr. Elliott Gualtiere will succeed Dr. Donna Andrade, the first Dean of Mission and Ministry at Fairfield Prep, who will retire from full-time work at Prep in June. Dr. Andrade praised his qualifications:
“Elliott possesses all of the personal characteristics, leadership skills, and professional acumen to serve as our next Dean of Mission and Ministry because he embodies all that it means to be an Ignatian educator. As a servant-leader, Elliott is a man for and with others, he employs cura personalis in all of his interactions and relationships, and he animates the Jesuit Mission and Ignatian identity of Fairfield Prep. Our community is blessed and fortunate to have Elliott Gualtiere serve our school in this new role."
Excited to assume the role of Dean of Mission and Ministry, Mr. Elliott Gualtiere expressed his passion for our mission:
“Thank you to Mr. Cashman and the Fairfield Prep Community for entrusting me with this sacred call. I am so grateful to God for this graced opportunity. I am grateful I can continue serving the Fairfield Prep Community in this role. I am grateful for the relationships I have developed over the last 17 years with students, colleagues, parents, and alumni. I am very excited to get to work as Dean of Mission and Ministry and to continue the great work of my friend Dr. Andrade. I am simply filled with a spirit of gratitude and that will translate into my work as Dean.”
Mr. Gualtiere brings a rich portfolio and Jesuit educational background, which includes a B.A. in Political Science and M.S. Ed. in Administration and Supervision from Fordham University. He also completed the training for Spiritual Directors at the Murphy Center for Ignatian Spirituality at Fairfield University, where he will remain an active collaborator and serve as a board member.
A search will begin shortly for openings now created in Prep Mission and Ministry who will report to and collaborate with Mr. Gualtiere.
Respectfully in Peace, +AMDG

Christian J. Cashman

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