The Office of Campus Ministry at Fairfield Prep will resume in-person retreats in March. There are several upcoming opportunities for each grade level, beginning with the Freshman Retreat on Friday, March 12.
Freshman Retreat
Friday, March 12
8:30 - 2:30 p.m. (regular school hours)
Grounded in Gratitude (GiG)
March 18 - April 21
Open to any grade level
Senior Only Kairos
April 26-28
(limited space; up to 18 participants)
Juniors Only Kairos
June 14-17
(limited space; up to 18 participants)
Summer Opportunity: ND Vision Academy
This virtual program for Summer 2021 is open to any grade level including graduating seniors. Registration opens soon. Sign up to receive updates.
- Campus Ministry
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- announcements