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Rugby Camp Registration

Dates: July 7-11
Monday - Thursday 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Students entering 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th Grades

The Fairfield Prep Rugby Camp is led by the 2023 State Rugby Champions coaching staff and players. The purpose of the camp is to provide any and all athletes interested in rugby (grades 5-8) with the opportunity to improve and learn the fundamentals of the game. This "non-contact" camp focuses on technique and competition so that every camper can have fun! Rugby Camp will provide an introduction to the rules and fundamentals of the game so that new and seasoned players alike can benefit from the camp.  All days will be held on Fairfield Prep's dedicated rugby pitch Grauert Field and will be run by members of the Prep Rugby staff and team.   Each camper will receive a t-shirt and certificate at the conclusion of the week. There will be a certified athletic trainer on site each day and campers must either send in, or bring on the first day of camp, a copy of the camper's physical form and a copy of their medical insurance card.

Cost: $225 per camper


What Athletes Should Bring

  • Cleats or sneakers every day
  • Athletic Shirt and Shorts
  • Personal Water (Will be provided as well)

Camp Awards to be Presented 

  • Top Forward (By Grade Level) 
  • Top Back (By Grade Level)
  • Rugby Award
  • Sportsmanship Award

Registration Form


Student Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
Grade in Fall 2024required
Parent's Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
Does camper have health insurancerequired
Do you have any allergies or special medical needs?required

I have read and understand the Parent/Student Concussion Guide and Parent/Student Concussion Waiver and understand the severities associated with concussions and the need for immediate treatment of such injuries:

Participation in the Fairfield Prep Football Camp requires that both the parent/guardian and the student athlete acknowledge that you have read and understand the inherent risks associated with participation in organized athletics at the youth level. You will acknowledge this in a registration survey when your son signs up for participating in a Prep sports camp. This is a prerequisite for participation

Participation in the sports camp involves activities which present the potential for injury which is inherent in all sports. Even with the best coaching, use of the most advanced protective equipment and strict observance of rules, injuries are still a possibility. On rare occasions these injuries can be so severe as to result in total disability, paralysis or even death.

Parent/Guardian Agreementrequired

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