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Fairfield Prep Lenten Reflections

Today's Reflection

President Christian Cashman: Let us rejoice and be glad!

ReadingsActs 10:34a, 37-43Colossians 3:1-4I Corinthians 5:6b-8John 20:1-9

As we celebrate Easter Sunday, President Christian Cashman delivers the following video message to the Fairfield Prep Community. 

President Cashman Easter Message:

To the beloved Prep Community, let me say Happy Easter! And as the Psalm today says, “Let us rejoice and be glad!”

Our Lenten journey has come to a glorious end, and on this day — above all other days — we give thanks and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus our brother and Lord.

On this Easter day, we celebrate the renewal of our hearts, minds and spirits. We declare that death has no power over us, and we joyfully embrace — love, mercy, justice, and peace.

In the fourth week of the Spiritual Exercises, St. Ignatius of Loyola, calls us to embrace our lives as “Easter people,” as people who are renewed in glory.   

Ignatius also invites us to contemplate a “God who dwells in all creation… who dwells in us, and gives us life... who makes us temples” of the Holy Spirit.

So as Easter people, we rejoice in the certain promise that we can always find new life, and a renewed spirit. We see this all around us, in the beauty of creation, 

In the signs of springtime, of creativity, service, learning and brotherhood here at Prep! This Easter, may Christ the Redeemer fill the Prep community with hope, joy, and consolation — with faith in the God who loves, us and call us to love one another.

From the Prep Community here in Fairfield, to our brotherhood far and wide, I wish you a blessed, and Happy Easter! Hail Fairfield, and God bless!

Full Lenten Reflection Calendar

Feb. 14 (Ash Wednesday)

Feb. 15

Feb. 16

Feb. 17

Feb. 19

Feb. 20

Feb. 21

Feb. 22

Feb. 24

Feb. 27

Feb. 29

March 2

March 3

March 4

March 5

March 7

March 9

March 10

March 11

March 12

March 14

March 15

March 16

March 17

March 18

March 19

March 20

March 21

March 22

March 23

March 24

March 25

March 26

March 27

March 28 (Holy Thursday)

March 29 (Good Friday)

Dr. Devon McCormick: Jesus gets it, and he gets us

For me, Good Friday's readings remind me that Jesus is just as much human as he is divine.

March 30 (Holy Saturday)

Matthew Murphy '24: God's waiting game

Just as God rested on the seventh day, Lent invites us to pause and trust in His plan.

March 31 (Easter Sunday)

President Christian Cashman: Let us rejoice and be glad!

As Easter people, we rejoice in the certain promise that we can always find new life, and a renewed spirit.