Alumni Testimonies
Over the years, we've seen hundreds of Prep artists, musicians and performers act, perform and express themselves in a myriad of ways at our school. Here is a collection of some alumni testimonies.
"The arts allow students to fully connect to some of the most brilliant thinkers ever. Learning art allows students to fully grow as people, understanding something deeper than themselves. I believe art has brought me to the point in my life where I know where I'm heading and who I am."
- Paul Cashman '15
"Art is, in a way, the most human thing that can be taught to us as a class. It is not about analysis, or numbers, or mathematics, or human constructs. The arts are about real, human emotions. They are about how human beings interact with their friends, with their enemies, and with themselves. They are about how human beings fail, and how they learn from those mistakes. They are reflective of how human beings live as a group, and what humans can do to ensure the health and safety of that group."
- Aiden Foley '15
"All of us will leave this class knowing that art of any kind has the power to evoke emotion and cultivate change. Art is a powerful force for positivity, allowing us to examine ourselves and the world around us. And, if we do not like what we see, art reminds us that we can do something about it. This has been most prevalent already in the Prep Players performance of The Laramie Project. And I only hope that I can continue to participate in art that promotes the goodwill and stewardship for humanity that The Laramie Project did."
- Michael Kokias ’15
"I love the arts. It has allowed me to be myself when nothing else would, and I have learned the most valuable lessons during these classes. It was my precious break from reality where I could express and live, and that is what got me through high school."
- Michael Connelly '15
"Not only did I learn how to appreciate the fine arts and the people who pour their life into doing them, but I also learned valuable life skills that I can utilize in my future. Teamwork, communication, and leadership all contribute to the ideal of the Prep Grad at Grad, and I believe that without this fine arts class I wouldn't have developed these skills."
- Brendan Reed