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The ability to use and understand mathematics in our world is critical.

Whether you are interested in finance, science, computers or even the arts, math is a necessary and invaluable tool. Prep requires all students to complete four years of mathematics during their time on campus. Our classes are offered at varying ability levels, allowing you to explore, discuss, learn and retain concepts at a pace that is appropriate for you. Our four year math curriculum provides a thorough background in Algebra, Geometry and Trigonometry, and prepares you to continue your study of mathematics beyond the high school level. Our classes in Calculus and Statistics provide you to study advanced and applicable concepts at an advanced level.

Ms. Maureen Bohan
Department Chair, Mathematics
First page of the PDF file: courses_math

Mathematics Courses

Related Student Clubs and Activities:

Math Team

Coding Club

Trigstar Trigonometry Club

Business Club

Stock Market Club